My Education


Feb 2024 – March 2024
University of colombo - school of computing.

This course includes fundamental of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js.

Results Sheet

Degree – BEng (Hons) in Software Engineering

Feb 2023 – Feb 2024
London Metropolitan University (UK).

Successfully Completed with First Class Honours standard

Results Sheet

Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computing Specialized in Software Engineering

2021 – Jan 2023
Esoft Metro Campus – Kandy.

I have successfully completed BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing specialized in Software Engineering With an overall Merit Result. Which is assured by Pearson UK Global.

Results Sheet

G.C.E Advance Level (A/L)

July 2018 – Oct 2020
Cambridge College Kotagala.

In 2020, I selected ICT instead of Chemistry for the 2020 G.C.E A/Ls in the Physical Science stream.
Index No : 3469400
English (B), ICT (C).

IT Diploma Course

Jan 2018 – March 2018

Results Sheet

G.C.E. Ordinary Level (O/L)

Jan 2017 – Dec 2017
Cambridge College Kotagala.

In 2017, I completed my G.C.E. O/Ls and did well. Qualified to Advance Level.
Index No : 73840866
Maths (A), English (A), ICT (B).

Extra Activities

  • Sucessfully Completed a Eternal Course FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT USING MERN STACK in University of Colombo
  • Sucessfully Completed 3 Months of Professional Practice with a Group Project
  • Full stack developer course - University of Moratuwa
  • Experienced with managing computer research project while studying and successfully completed two research projects
  • Developed several Web and Desktop applications using web development tools, programming languages & frameworks.
  • Participated in several competitions (Google startup, Code Chef)
  • Using Hackerrank, W3school and boot camps to develop my skills more