Wonder Railway

The railway's vision revolves around enhancing services to effectively cater to the growing demands of passengers and the challenges of modern transportation. In response to the digital age, the railway corporation is developing an online railway management system that aligns with the principles of modernization. This initiative is a strategic response aimed at addressing the imperative for railway operations to be both effective and customer centric. A central aspect of this endeavor is to create a seamless engagement platform that facilitates effortless interaction between passengers and the railway corporation. Marking a digital revolution in passenger services, the system empowers travelers to access railway services through a comprehensive and fully digital platform. By maximizing operational efficiency, the system effectively reflects the contemporary demand for accessible, efficient, and modernized railway services.

Used Waterfall Methodology To Develop

Used Adobe XD for Desgining and Prototype, Developed using Visual studio code . Testing White Box & Black Box & Automated (Selenium). Used GitHub to colobrate with team members

Project Schedule

Phase Dates Description
Requirement Gathering 05th July - 11th July Conducted background research, identified and analyzed requirements, documented requirements specification
System Design 12th July - 16th July Designed database, UML diagrams, and wireframes according to specifications
Implementation 17th July - 08th August Development of the entire Wonder Railway Management System
Testing 08th August - 14th August Performed white box testing, black box testing, and automated testing
Deployment and Maintenance 15th August - 17th August Prepared complete documentation and deployed the Wonder Railway Management System

Functional & Non-Functional Requirements

  • Ticket Booking:
    • Passengers can create profiles, log in securely, and manage personal information.
    • Option to update passwords for forgotten credentials.
    • Search for trains based on locations, dates, and times.
    • View loyalty program details.
    • Secure payment gateway for various payment methods.
  • Train Tracking:
    • Track booked trains using departure and arrival stations.
    • Receive alerts for delays and schedule changes.
  • Railway Management:
    • User dashboard access after login.
    • Admin manages staff, trains, passengers, bookings, schedules, expenses, inventory, and more.
    • Maintain passenger booking history.
    • Track loyalty program status for rewards.
  • Revenue Management:
    • Accurate ticket processing with promotions and discounts.
    • Real-time data for sales trends, pricing decisions, and marketing.
    • Comprehensive financial reports for planning and decision-making.
  • Performance:
    • System should handle high user loads through load testing, employing strategies like caching, load balancing, and dynamic resource allocation.
  • Usability:
    • User interface should be intuitive and inclusive, catering to various users, including those with impairments.
    • Include accessibility features like keyboard navigation and alternative text for images.
  • Security:
    • Ensure data protection with encryption techniques (SSL/TLS) for storage and transport.
    • Implement authentication, authorization, and regular security audits for vulnerability assessment.
  • Compatibility:
    • System must be compatible with various hardware, browsers, and devices.
    • Use responsive design and test across multiple operating systems and browsers.
  • Reliability and Availability:
    • Ensure uninterrupted operation with minimal downtime.
    • Schedule maintenance during off-peak times and establish backup and recovery strategies.

Usecase Diagram

System Images